
The liver produces bile which is then stored in the gallbladder. The bile separates fat into tiny particles so that the enzymes can break down the fat. The bile salts, the largest component of bile, comes from cholesterol. Consequently, extra cholesterol in the body is excreted from the liver in the form of bile. The liver is constantly manufacturing cholesterol to be used in cell membranes, nerves, adrenal and sex hormones as well as for use in bile and digestion. 70-80% of cholesterol in the body is manufactured by the liver. It does not come from eating cholesterol. Several studies have been done showing little or no relationship between dietary cholesterol and cholesterol in the blood and body.

The purpose of the gallbladder is to concentrate and store the bile. Unfortunately, gallbladders can become inflamed, sometimes very painfully. If mineral ratios become unbalanced or the liver malfunctions, gallstones may develop. 75% of gallstones are cholesterol. 25% are calcium bilirubinate (pigment) gallstones. Studies have shown that 30-50% of people with gallstones have no symptoms so right upper abdominal pain is not always gallstone related.

Removal of gallstones as a solution to a gallbladder problem may provide a great deal of relief but it is only a partial solution at best. If stones are present in the gallbladder, you can bet there are also stones in the liver. The reason for the formation of the stones must be corrected. Often, it is kidney and acid base related. Cholesterol and bile salt ratios have been shown to be related to the development of stones. However, since the liver manufactures your cholesterol, saying that you have to lower your cholesterol to fix your liver (and stones) is like saying that you have to fix your liver to fix your liver. It is not really a correct solution to the problem. The solution is determine which of the basic causes of disease (chemical poisoning, nerve malfunctioning, etc.) apply to that person’s liver and gall bladder and handle it appropriately.