Diseases of Unknown Origin

Unknown Infections

When I was going to college for my Bachelor’s degree, I worked at a lake station owned by Purdue University as a research assistant. I helped out mainly in the collection and study of zooplankton (microscopic animals) and algae. I remember one afternoon one of the other researchers was there working and studying bacteria. In an attempt to make conversation, I asked him what kind of bacteria he found in the lake. The guy looked up at me like I was surely the biggest idiot in the world, and said, “Are you kidding? It’s a veritable zoo in there. There are so many different kinds of organisms in there that less than 10% of them have even had enough time devoted to them to have a name”. Bear in mind that this lake was classified as the cleanest lake in Indiana. So I had a realization that science really didn’t have as firm of a handle on this germ thing as I was led to believe.

Laboratory tests for infection are very specific. In other words, in order to tell if you have a specific type of infection (tuberculosis, Epstein-Barr virus, pneumonia, etc.), you have to have the specific test for that organism. If you aren’t given that specific test, then you don’t know if you have that infection. The problem lies in the fact that there are many more types of infectious organisms than there are tests. (Even if this were not the case, it would be far too expensive to routinely run the tests for all known infections). You can see how easy it can be for a person to have an infection that is undetected.

My personal opinion, based on clinical observation, is that many conditions of unknown cause are actually from infections that are of a type that have not or cannot be detected by standard medical procedures. Some don’t even fit neatly into the classification of bacteria, yeast or virus. I believe that these “undetectable” organisms underlie many types of diseases and conditions deemed as having no known cause (and therefore no known cure). Such conditions would include many types of arthritis, thyroid diseases, MS, diabetes, various autoimmune disorders and even tumors. They may affect the nerves and brain, and cause problems with depression or dementia or hyperactivity. They may infect a peripheral nerve and cause sciatica or may infect the disc itself and weaken it to allow disc herniation. An infection in the nerves to the heart for instance may cause sharp stabbing chest pains. These undetectable infections may be behind the chronic malfunction of any gland, tissue or organ and behind a wide host of fancy sounding disease names.

If this is true, then to handle these disease conditions, all that would be necessary would be to determine the exact proper remedies that would strengthen the body and allow it to kill these infections and repair the damage. The condition and its associated symptoms would disappear. That I have seen this happen many, many times; is the basis for my belief that this is indeed the case.

Modern medicine is unfortunately woefully inadequate to handle such a broad range of infectious organisms. Its arsenal is limited to select antibiotics which work solely on certain strains of bacteria and even these are becoming less and less effective due to their gross over use. Fortunately for us, there exists a wide range of natural immune system enhancers that are effective in handling these “incurable” infections.

The trick is, of course, to match the specific infection with the specific immune system enhancer that will work in each case. This is what we do at our office. It is one of the reasons why we get results with so many patients when modern medicine has failed. If you have a condition that has no known cause and has no known cure, the first thing to rule out would be one of these “unknown” infections. When you find and address the actual cause, amazingly enough, the problem goes away. The effectiveness of this “other infection” approach is evidenced by the results. If you are looking for results, call (260) 459-6160 (Ft. Wayne) or (773) 929-3964 (Chicago) for an appointment.

Causes of Disease

If you browse through medical textbooks a plethora1 of diseases and medical conditions are described and meticulously categorized. Likewise, there are multitudes of tests listed so that each person’s group of symptoms can be classified and placed in the proper category with the proper name. What you’ll notice on close inspection, however, is that comparably few of these diseases, especially the chronic or severe conditions, actually have a known cause listed. Attempting to treat any problem that you don’t know the cause of is extraordinarily limited with regards to long term success.

The approach usually taken is to say that there is a lack of something produced in the body and then try to synthesize that “something” in the laboratory and give it to the person in the form of drugs and that then is the solution to the problem. This is tantamount2to observing that your son has no money and then fixing the problem by constantly giving the son money. It truly isn’t fixing the problem at all. The question that needs to be asked is “why isn’t the son making any money on his own?”. If the body isn’t producing something correctly or in general isn’t functioning correctly, the reason for this is what needs to be addressed. Often genetics are given as the reason. Though there are some truly genetic conditions like Down’s Syndrome or Tay-Sachs3 disease, very, very few of the conditions attributed to genetics have actually had genes located that are directly related to the specified condition. Most are based on familial tendencies, in other words they tend to run in the same families. This, of course, could be a lot of things. In most conditions of this sort the person did not exhibit any signs of the condition when they were younger. When they became older the condition started expressing itself. Did the genes change? I don’t think so. There must have been other factors involved instead of just genes. I think the label of genetic cause is frequently used because it makes a lot of people happy. The patient is happy because he no longer has to be responsible for the condition and change anything with regards to lifestyle. The drug companies are happy because the drugs used to handle the symptoms are now the only (and very profitable) solution, and the doctors are happy because now they have a patient who has to come in for life to keep getting the prescriptions.

Actual causes of disease are relatively few. A cause of disease could be simply stated as anything that interferes with a normal function in the body. Something is not being produced or some action is not being performed because of some interfering factor. Any one cause has the ability to create many, many different diseases and conditions depending on how and where this causal factor is affecting the body. Take for example, a case where a person has a harmful chemical accumulated in his system. If this chemical is interfering with the function of the thyroid, this person may receive a medical diagnosis of hypothyroidism. If this chemical is affecting the stomach, he may be told he has gastritis. If it is affecting the joints, it may be called arthritis, the bowel – – colitis, kidneys – – nephritis and so on. In this particular example, they all would have the same cause, chemical poisoning. In fact, it is relatively rare for the actual causes of disease to only affect one area of the body. They usually affect multiple areas, you just notice them first in one area. If local symptoms only are addressed and the cause ignored, you can expect problems with other areas soon to follow. (If drugs are used, other symptoms are assured from side affects alone). It’s understandable why patients get frustrated when doctors treat the symptoms of a specific area and they still find their general health deteriorating.

Simply stated, diseases are caused from one or a combination of the following factors:



Chemical Toxins

Biological Poisons


Structural Misalignment

Nerve Damage

Physical Insult & Damage

Bad Nutrition

Lack of Exercise

Lack of Sleep/Rest


Mental/Spiritual Stress

On further inspection, this list could be even further reduced. Infection and allergies are only present when the body is in a weakened state. Structural misalignment and nerve damage are actually types of physical damage so this leaves:

Chemical Toxins

Biological Poisons


Physical Insult & Damage

Bad Nutrition

Lack of Exercise

Lack of Sleep/Rest


Mental/Spiritual Stress

Chemical toxins, biological toxins and radiation are all types of poisoning. Poisons and physical insult break down things in the body. Good nutrition, exercise, sleep and rest and genetics all build things up in the body. (Mental and spiritual affect both). So the simplicity of what we are looking at with disease is, too much breaking down and not enough building.

To handle the causes of disease in the body, the following procedures would therefore be sane approaches:

Change of environment either by relocation or isolating harmful or dangerous factors and removing them.

Nutrition and procedures to remove poisons from the body.

Physical corrections of structural misalignments and structural damage.

Good nutrition to provide proper raw materials for healing and normal function.


Adequate sleep and rest.

Competent mental and spiritual counseling, ethical and clean living.

The reality is that this current approach of classifying symptoms and effects of malfunction in order to handle disease, adds extraordinary complexity and confusion to the scene and is extremely limited with regards to application. The truth is, barring a true genetic condition, if a body is given a good environment, including a positive mental and spiritual environment, excellent nutrition, rest and exercise, the body would function fine. Only when these conditions are interfered with do we see problems develop. Hence, the simplicity is that the above factors are the true causes of disease.

Determining which of these causes are affecting your body and what you can do to correct them is what we do with Cause Point Correlative Testing. Because the true causes are addressed, body conditions, no matter what name is placed on them, get better, as amazing as it sounds. If you know someone who has a malfunctioning body, have them call (260) 459-6160 (Ft. Wayne) or (773) 929-3964 (Chicago) for an appointment.

1 plethora – an excessive quantity or fullness.

2 tantamount – equivalent in value or meaning.

3 Tay-Sachs disease – a hereditary disorder caused by the absence of an enzyme needed to break down fatty material, marked by buildup of lipids in nervous tissue, and causing death in childhood.