About Dr. Murdock
Dr. Murdock received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1984 from Palmer College of Chiropractic, the first and largest of the chiropractic colleges. At Palmer, he attended a four year academic program consisting of 4,788 hours of classroom, laboratory and clinical study. He received numerous awards including the David Daniel Palmer Academic Achievement Scholarship, the Roentgenological (X-ray) Scholarship and the Senior Intern (Gold Coat) Scholarship. He was also president of the Spinal Biomechanics Club, helped teach spinal biomechanics continuing education courses to doctors and students, and was a member of the Pi Tau Delta Honor Society. He graduated magnum cum laude (received all A’s) in the top of his chiropractic class.
Dr. Murdock received a special internship from Dr. Burl Pettibon, founder of the Spinal Biomechanics Institute in Tacoma, Washington and the author of several books on spinal biomechanics. Numerous post graduate studies followed including the work of Dr. Richard Versandall and nutritional muscle testing. His constant search for better ways to help his patients led to the development of Cause Point Correlative Testing, an innovative and inspired technology which works with the natural healing power of the body to provide exact answers and solutions to the body problems faced by each individual. The amazing success and workability of this technique has made it one of the most exciting new areas in the health arena today.

Dr. Murdock currently lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana with his wife Arlene, and two sons Landon and Connor.
For more information on Dr. Murdock and the development of Cause Point Correlative Testing click on the the Background and History linkon the home page.